There's a cover charge included in the total.
There is a cover charge of 25 yuan per person, Sir.
The retailer and/or the refund company may make a charge to cover the cost of handling your form. If they do, this will be deducted from your refund before you receive it.
Every retailer has to charge a mark-up to cover overheads, and faces a tension between the immediate pressures of competition and the need to stay in business.
Some universities want to offer their students a better education than they do now, and must charge more to cover the cost of delivering it.
There may be a charge to cover the cost of handling your refund. This charge will be shown on your refund form.
Yes, Sir. For the 25 yuan cover charge you'll get your first drink free. You have a choice of any drink under 15 yuan.
A detergent used to denature proteins and cover them in uniform charge before gel electrophoresis.
In order to cover costs, optimize account management and fractionalize customers, our commercial Banks start to charge on depositors' accounts, leading to a debate of its legitimacy.
Most webtoon serials are published on major Internet portals free of charge and once or twice a week. They cover a wide range of genres, as diverse as romantic comedies and horror.
Of course the insurance company needs to include a charge to cover its operating expenses and provide a reasonable profit.
No interest is charged, but instead a service charge of 3/4 per cent per annum is made to cover administrative expenses.
No interest is charged, but instead a service charge of 3/4 per cent per annum is made to cover administrative expenses.