As the Roman Empire grew, the Romans needed to take control of the seas and for this they needed to build harbours capable of holding a fleet of ships.
There berth a fleet of ships at half-mast.
The flash car is one of a fleet of company cars.
The king had a fleet of trading ships manned by Hiram's men.
That airline would, however, do best with a fleet of newly designed aircraft.
A fleet of sensors allows growers to monitor wind, water and soil and air temperature.
A fleet of small vans sporting the Swift logo sells fresh meat in the area around the Lins factory.
But when they heard that Jaffna was now peaceful, they arranged a fleet of buses and came back together.
By spraying a fine mist of seawater into the sky. From a fleet of remote-control wind-powered ships!
One ship, they explain, can bring in more weapons than a fleet of lorries with hidden military hardware.
Josh sees a whole school of these things, like a fleet of ships, emerging from the clouds on both sides of him.
Robots that turn into giant trucks and command a fleet of autobots - now that could change pop culture history.
And before dawn they are off again to complete their journey in another aircraft or in one of a fleet of waiting trucks.
Intel's "Silicon Commander", for instance, lets users manoeuvre a fleet of robots through a host of IT-related dangers.
A fleet of 400 skimmers is in place to try to minimise the effects of increased oil loss during the operation, BP said.
Oman subsequently purchased from British Aerospace a fleet of 15 Hawk jets, which it has been operating since the 1980s.
Rio Tinto's answer is a plan to move ore from mines to ports on a fleet of driverless trucks and trains, starting in 2010.
Rio Tinto的回答是,计划将在2010年的时候,把铁矿石从矿区移到出海口岸,而不用大卡车和火车拉运。
Mr Knievel bought a fleet of yachts and bragged—though he had been married for years to his childhood sweetheart—of many women.
Without Opel, GM's promises to build a fleet of smaller and more fuel-efficient cars in North America would lack conviction.
SAL has a fleet of 59 aircraft, including Boeing 737, 757 and 767 series and the size is expected to increase to 100 by 2010.
SAL拥有59架飞机,包括波音737、757和 767系列,预计 2010 年要扩大到 100 架。
Plocher has a fleet of biodiesel-powered trucks that collects used cooking oil from about 700 restaurants across northern California.
Southern California Edison has been operating a fleet of 300 electric vehicles to find out how customers will use and recharge them.
Hawking's main concern was that a fleet of alien spacecraft could turn up wanting to strip mine the Earth for its bountiful resources.
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is part of a fleet of satellites, landers and rover that have dispatched to the Red Planet for studies.
It has bought a fleet of 140 tear-shaped trailers, which use 10% less fuel and provide 16% more space than their less aerodynamic forebears.
It has bought a fleet of 140 tear-shaped trailers, which use 10% less fuel and provide 16% more space than their less aerodynamic forebears.