For instance, the second adventure that we checked out dealt with a foot race between creatures.
The sport's rules require that a race walker's knees stay straight through most of the leg swing and one foot remain in contact with the ground at all times.
"That was a tough race and I've got a lot of blisters on my braking foot as the pedal was very hard to push," he said.
Last month, when Yao went down again with a stress fracture in his left foot, Mutombo, 41, stepped up once more, and the Rockets have remained in the hot playoff race with 12 wins in 15 games.
MICHAEL Owen may be sealed in an underwater decompression chamber in a race to mend his broken foot.
A girl athlete, in a long distance race, stumbled over the foot of another athlete and fell down. She rose to her feet, clenched her teeth, and continued her running.
Please help me to translate this sentence: In the 2003 Boat Race Oxford beat Cambridge by a foot.
Please help me to translate this sentence: In the 2003 Boat Race Oxford beat Cambridge by a foot.