Once you find a friend, find old military friends,find an old classmate, or decide to meet an online friend in real life, the hard part begins!
Once you find a friend, find old military friends, find an old classmate, or decide to meet an online friend in real life, the hard part begins!
I got a chance to actually meet an online friend in real life when I went on vacation to San Francisco.
In the real life people often have different facets that they share with different persons whereas on friend-networks such as FriendFeed, it is impossible to choose one facet of a person.
Facebook is a loose social network; a "friend" on Facebook might translate to someone you'd barely recognize in real life.
As one Afghan friend put it, in real life, many candidates with a past are two-faced.
When you add that site to your list of links, you can specify that the owner of that site is a friend, and that you have met in real life.
When you add that site to your list of links, you can specify that the owner of that site is a friend, and that you have met in real life.