A golden parachute can persuade the boss not to obstruct a takeover.
And if you fail, you will have a golden parachute and the taxpayer will bail you out.
He criticized the plan for doing nothing to prevent Wall Street executives from unloading troubled loans and "walking away with a bonus and a golden parachute."
Another likely target is the golden parachute for a departing boss, especially if he has left because of poor performance.
To get a golden eagle's eye view a miniature camera was strapped to the bird's back, while a world champion paraglider flew down the mountain using a special parachute to get immersive motion shots.
To get a golden eagle's eye view a miniature camera wasstrapped to the bird's back, while a world champion paraglider flew down themountain using a special parachute to get immersive motion shots.
To get a golden eagle's eye view a miniature camera wasstrapped to the bird's back, while a world champion paraglider flew down themountain using a special parachute to get immersive motion shots.