The paper applys gray system theory and multilevel evaluation methods to employee selection, and provides a model with simple calculation and high accuracy for human resource management.
In accordance with the mechanism of its reducing water impact pressure, a calculation formula for the gas tank volume is deduced, which is proved to have high accuracy through verification tests.
The results showed that: In this paper, a simple calculation and high accuracy.
Research proves that this method is simple and has a high accuracy in calculation.
A vast amount of calculation and analysis indicates that the methods not only reduce the calculating time, but also have a high fitting accuracy.
The engineering calculation formula is with a high accuracy and is useful for the design, production and test of the positioning rubber components of the axle box.
In traditional reservoir capacity calculation, a planimeter is used to obtain a reservoir capacity from topographic maps and large scale topographic maps are needed if high accuracy is required.
For a Doppler radar homing seeker with high pulse repetition frequency, the continuous wave approximation is not only simple, but also has a high calculation accuracy.
Case study showed that it is a simple and valuable method characterized by rapid calculation and high accuracy.
The calculation shows a high accuracy while the error is low than 1% in thermodynamic properties and 4% in thermophysical properties.
计算关联式具有较高的精度,热力学参数计算误差小于1% ,迁移特性参数误差小于4 %。
This method are with a high accuracy and real time application, and can be applied in the calculation of allowable launching area of air to air missile in air borne fire control system.
The calculation shows a high accuracy: the error is less than 1% in thermodynamic properties and 4% in thermophysical properties.
计算关联式具有较高的精度,热力学参数计算误差小于1 %,迁移特性参数误差小于4%。
This scheme is also used to simulate a two-dimensional viscous flow. Calculation results confirm its high accuracy and high resolutions, good ability in capture shock and no oscillation.
A larger high-frequency noise in the output signal of fiber optic gyro lowers the calculation accuracy of fiber optic gyro attitude system.
Conclusions: The new optical coherence interferometry is a noncontact, safe and patient-friendly method for IOL power calculation with high accuracy.
This paper introduces a set of practical calculation method of change differential gears, which can conveniently calculate the optimum teeth number of change gears with high accuracy.
The calculation results of a practical example show that the proposed method possesses high forecasting accuracy and better adaptability than traditional forecasting methods.
A new FEM, the quasi-stable state heat conduction method, is thus developed. It offers a comparatively high accuracy to calculation, with the results checked up by experiment.
The result shows that the method is feasible, the whole model has a high computational accuracy. The model has a good imitate accuracy, and can be used for the calculation …
The result shows that the method is feasible, the whole model has a high computational accuracy. The model has a good imitate accuracy, and can be used for the calculation …