While the problem of disappearing languages remains a very serious one, there is hope.
When they persist past 30 days and the anxiety remains strong, Schnurr said there is a problem. But she said there’s hope.
The job market is getting less bad, but a full recovery remains a distant hope.
The researchers hope to mass-produce their prototypes, though how viable this is on a mass-scaled remains to be seen.
A global carbon price remains a distant hope, and the planet is getting warmer.
Still, the underlying cause of Max's autism remains a mystery -- a situation his parents hope to change.
Let's hope that he remains healthy, free and at large for a long time! Fly Colton, Fly!
Let's hope that he remains healthy, free and at large for a long time!
This is not yet the hiring pace one would hope to see after so deep a recession-there are still 13.7m unemployed workers and nonfarm employment remains nearly 7m jobs below the pre-recession peak.
How they ended up deep in a cave without other animal bones remains puzzling. But researchers hope other fossils still buried in the caves will provide some answers.
Some analysts hope these meetings will help work towards a real code of conduct in the seas - but there remains a fundamental divergence in approach between China and Asean.
Wonder who will only have hope, if this hope remains, and perhaps one day a miracle will appear.
I truly hope that Wayne Rooney remains a Manchester United player.
For the man who has committed evil, the verdict of his conscience remains a pledge of conversion and of hope.
As for any possible survivors trapped under the remains of houses, there is still a small but fading glimmer of hope that a miracle rescue could happen again.
Douglas: Good. So it remains for me to thank you for coming. I hope this is the basis for a long-term partnership.
The hope for a permanent solution remains with two relief Wells intended to plug it completely far beneath the seafloor.
The EU strategy remains to buy time for Greece and hope for a positive outcome, although we consider this a low probability.
The Dutchman remains a high priority for Real, despite negotiations now dragging on into a second month, and they hope to convince Chelsea to relent by including Cicinho in their proposal.
This article is only an exploratory study, the correctness of the results remains to be evaluated. And it's hope that the results will provide a reference to the engineering.
This article is only an exploratory study, the correctness of the results remains to be evaluated. And it's hope that the results will provide a reference to the engineering.