Many educators advocate a liberal education.
They want their child to have a liberal education.
These qualities are the hallmarks of a liberal education.
But he added: There's a lot more to a liberal education than improving the economy.
The historic aim of a liberal education is to prepare citizens who will lead and serve in society.
Source: Robert M. Hutchins, "The Tradition of the West. " The Great Conversation: The Substance of a Liberal Education.
A liberal education demands that you live self-consciously. It prepares you to seek and define the meaning inherent in all you do.
I'd tell everybody to cherish the friends and teachers around you, for this might be your last chance to get such a liberal education, and to have genuine friends.
The council is a nonprofit group that supports liberal arts education.
If the philosophy and reputation are allied strongly to a liberal arts education, direct vocational training in tourism is not likely.
Ultimately, he says, it's because learning a second language is "a cornerstone of a liberal arts education" that opens doors to other cultures.
If you believe a liberal arts education is intrinsically valuable, you might think it's a pity that students are increasingly focused on life after college.
Going forward, the ability to teach yourself is the hallmark of a great liberal arts education and will be the key to your success.
The free online guide is from the American council of Trustees and Alumni. The council is a nonprofit group that supports liberal arts education.
One might, for example, be an Absolutist about liberal and a Relativist about vocational education.
"Well, this is good news for you," she said, "because you can always go to Harvard for graduate school, but this is probably the only chance for you to experience a truly liberal arts education."
Liberal education... spawn a greater understanding of all aspects of living.
Moral education in particular needs a liberal. Tolerant and loving environment.
The President of the College presents at Convocation a line in a German poem to represent the spirit of liberal arts education: Lass dich fallen (Let yourself fall/fail).
Liberal education is a kind of education that thinks especially highly of liberal academic (or liberal knowledge), and is committed to transmit and explore liberal academic.
The thinking behind a 'liberal arts education' is that it can give you skills to succeed in any job.
In the solitude of a sequestered village he bestowed a liberal, and even learned, education on his only daughter.
Literature courses are an important part of liberal arts education; therefore, proper course design is a must to ensure the quality of teaching.
Liberal education is not a new idea, but it still has great impact to our education.
The purpose of this essay is to give a detailed analysis of Michael Oakeshott's idea of liberal education.
The purpose of this essay is to give a detailed analysis of Michael Oakeshott's idea of liberal education.