Planned Grandparenthood's carefully written literature would detail all the joys of life grand-child-free a calm living room, extra money for luxuries during the golden years, etc.
Our personality traits tend to stay consistent throughout life, and what we do with our free time and money is a good indication of that consistency.
If you used to spend a lot of money on a date, this is an opportunity to enjoy the free things in life with a friend without the need to weave an illusion, which no one can sustain.
Take a simpler look at the concept of money to live a healthy tension free life.
Next door, in a big mansion, lived a man who was the President of a big company. He constantly worried about his money, convinced that someone might steal from him or rob him. His life was not free.
Next door, in a big mansion, lived a man who was the President of a big company. He constantly worried about his money, convinced that someone might steal from him or rob him. His life was not free.