For elements without a natural order, you can provide a Comparator to the constructor.
You can cry and make noise as you like, they will still change and disappear, this is a natural order, it is neither good nor bad.
Cry and yell as you may, they go on changing and vanishing as usual, which is but a natural order and has nothing to do with good or bad.
The resultant Spaces come into focus in a natural order emerging from air, wind and light, fostering a resonance between human and nature.
Usually, categories for an ordinal set of data have a natural order, but the distinction between adjoining points on the scale is not necessarily always the same.
I might assume that the natural order of things causes my team to specialize and "trade" skills and work as a natural order of the process, but I don't want to assume too much.
A better way to describe feng shui might be to say it is about aligning one's surroundings in order to enhance natural energy flow.
Keeping data change operations in the WITH clause imposes a very natural order which can be used to solve conflicts.
That first year of gardening, I understood on a deeper level something that I'd always known: to live was also to die, and that the natural order after birth and life would be death.
Arranging visual elements on a page must consider the flow of a page, which is top to bottom and left to right for most countries, and the natural order those elements are to be used.
With this feature, the natural order of the actual input fields is preserved, making this a preferred option if your users frequently navigate input fields by tabbing.
If your best friend just got married or you recently finished a major proposal at work, it's natural to sleep more in order to make up for lost z's.
Natural-language processors, which attempt to read and understand a Web page's content in order to generate data.
Natural - languageprocessors,它试图读取和理解网页的内容,以便生成数据。
When you do handwriting recognition, there's a natural temporal and spatial order to it.
We are saying that it violates a perceived "natural order", which in theological terms is associated with a purpose for all things designated by God, and which must therefore be intrinsically "good".
Exaggeration and divergence may be the natural order of things, but declaring in print that one child is vanilla and the other is chocolate is still a bad idea.
Natural elegance deals with the "feel" a website or application expresses through its behavior over time, and which is rooted in the rules of order that govern nature.
Humans were no longer searching for ways simply to fit into a natural or divine order; they were seeking to change it.
When she was told to join the Chattering Order she went obediently, having a natural talent in that direction and, in any case, knowing that she would be among friends.
"Having had a successful first run, we knew that the natural order would be to do the three most famous things, so we're doing a version of [those three stories]," he explained.
But, in order to get a natural response, the University of Virginia volunteers didn't know the exact nature of the experiment they were taking part in.
Abundant work over the past four decades has begun to show that self-organisation plays a role along with natural selection in the order in biology.
Although such behaviour is natural and normal, it is a nuisance for the forces of law and order when they are trying to find out what happened during an incident by taking statements from witnesses.
Death is the natural state of things, and life is a distortion of the natural order.
In a blog post from Dallas, Texas-based software startup CodeLathe, the company behind Tonido, the author writes, "the current trend belies the logic and natural order of things."
These would somehow have to replace the natural, disease-bearing mosquitoes, which is a tall order.
These would somehow have to replace the natural, disease-bearing mosquitoes, which is a tall order.