There was also a negative association between worry and risk tolerance.
In the same study a significant negative correlation was found between IMA and albumin, but no association of IMA levels with lactate was observed.30.
There is usually strong positive or negative association to orange and true orange generally elicits a stronger "love it" or "hate it" response than other colors.
对于橙色,往往存在极端正面或负面的联想; 与其它颜色相比,纯正的橙色通常会引发更强烈的好恶反应。
A joint data association and bias estimation method is proposed to handle the negative effect of individual radar bias to track association and fusion in radar networks for target tracking.
There is usually strong positive or negative association to orange and true orange generally elicits a stronger "love it" or "hate it" response than other colors.
The traditional association rule is an expression as a Bwhich reflects the relation among positive items. But which can't reflect the negative association hidden in data.
传统的关联规则是形如a B反映正项目之间关联关系的蕴涵式,它无法反映出数据之间隐藏的负关联关系。
However, while association with a powerful brand can give a significant boost to sales, being connected to a devalued brand can have a negative result.
Provides a practical updating algorithm for negative incremental association rules in which the size of data sets is reduced, with the supporting and confidence limits unchanged.
This paper provides a practical maintenance algorithm for negative incremental association rules in which the size of data sets is reduced, with the supporting and confidence limits unchanged.
There was a very significant negative association between the attack rate and the herd immunity (P<0.01).
There was a very significant negative association between the attack rate and the herd immunity (P<0.01).