For example, when I was a girl, if someone wanted to call overseas, they would first send a letter, and the person in the other country would sit next to the telephone at the appointed time.
The book was inspired by a videoconference call Stanford was holding with an overseas client, who all of a sudden got up and left the room, never to return.
For overseas markets, the process may call for a modified product.
This is your last chance to make a free phone call to someone overseas.
A lady sits anxiously waiting for a call or letter. Her husband has gone overseas to some country she has never heard of, in a war that she never wanted to happen.
Welcome domestic and overseas friends a letter, call or come to visit, visits, ordering, custom, and we look forward to your attention!
We make a point of sharing the knowledge gained in one operation with our other operations worldwide. We call this 'knowledge management 'Chevron Overseas Petroleum Inc.
We make a point of sharing the knowledge gained in one operation with our other operations worldwide. We call this 'knowledge management 'Chevron Overseas Petroleum Inc.