Runs until it returns to a parent class, function or page.
Overriding methods in a parent class is not limited to the constructor.
Objective c: how to inherit category methods loaded in a parent class?
Notice that Trip doesn't extend a parent class or implement a magic interface.
We describe a parent class whose elements have a property with cardinality equal to one.
If you don't extend a parent class, the default parent is AnyRef, a direct child class of Any.
如果你不继承任何父类,默认的父亲是AnyRef, Any的一个直接子类。
A parent class to extend function from (plus any "mix-in" classes to simulate multiple inheritance).
You can access parent entity's attributes the same as you would the properties of a parent class.
Although a RuntimeException, this is a parent class which can be caught by clients of the library calls.
Although providing a default behavior in a parent class is perfectly legal, it is probably not the neatest way of doing things.
Each class loader also keeps a reference to a parent class loader, defining a tree of class loaders with the bootstrap loader at the root.
New behaviour: an anonymous inherited call is guaranteed to always call through to the method in a parent class that was overridden by the current one.
Old behaviour: an anonymous inherited call could call through to any method in a parent class that accepted arguments compatible to the parameters of the current method.
Every class loader has a parent class loader, which delegates the searching and loading of a class to its parent (parent-first delegation) before it attempts to load the class itself.
You might add a check in the metaclass code to see if the attributes were already set in a parent class, but this adds plumbing and it does not give real control on a per-class basis.
A child (or derived) class can have one and only one parent (or base) class.
Each application of this generic class would extend a distinct parent class.
Test developers created generic methods to get all objects of a particular class or to get just one object at a given index under a specific parent object.
Instead, it has a set of class loaders that are unrelated except that they have the same parent (usually the system class loader).
This means that a class can directly extend only one parent (though, of course, it may indirectly extend many ancestors).
Optimistic concurrency is implemented by assigning a datetime field to each parent class being CRUDed.
Indexing for space querying is controlled from the parent class using a new set of annotations.
In line 14, a test case must have a single string parameter constructor that passes the argument to its parent class (TestCase) for the purpose of displaying the test case name in a log.
Figure 12 is a UML class diagram of the AcronymListEditor class depicting its relationship to the Eclipse parent classes as well as a validator class that can validate input.
图12是AcronymListEditor类的一个UM l类图,描绘了该类与Eclipse父类以及一个可以验证输入的检验器类之间的关系。
The StringHelper Category is a normal class - it doesn't need to extend a special parent class or implement a special interface.
StringHelper Category是一个普通类—它不需要扩展特定的父类或实现特殊的接口。
This method accepts four arguments: a property, a property value, a class, and a parent test object.
That suggests that this method shouldn't be in this class, so I'm going to refactor it upward to a BoundaryBase class, which ACTS as the parent of the PartDb class.
The primary constructor in a derived class must invoke one of the parent class constructors, either the primary constructor or an auxiliary constructor.
By default, when you create a subclass, its constructor merely calls the constructor of its parent class.
Make an inner class in the parent class, which is a test case.