In addition, I invited each trader to write a personal statement after our interview.
"Disclosing" a learning disability in a personal statement within the college application can definitely help.
Avoid color and pattern extremes. You want to make a statement about your business not a personal statement expressing your passion for purple polka dots.
Please have your Personal Statement (see guidelines) and Resume ready before you begin filling out this form. Your application will not be reviewed without a Personal Statement and Resume.
The European idea of fashion as a personal statement rather than a cultural expression begins in the 16th century: ten portraits of German or Italian gentlemen may show ten entirely different hats.
By the 1950s, most schools required a brief personal statement of why the student had chosen to apply to one school over another.
Most reputable companies or websites will have a privacy statement that explains clearly how they will use the personal information that they collect from their members or customers.
Use an annual personal net worth statement to track the incremental changes to your financial landscape from a helicopter view.
"Wafu is not just a restaurant, it is an extension of Yukako's personal ethos toward nourishment and sustenance," says a statement on the restaurant's website.
Phorm said in a statement that its technology did not store personal data or browsing history and was ''fully compliant with UK legislation and relevant EU directives.''
My personal focus has never been in gaming, so I have a little biased statement.
"This has been a time of great personal and professional transition for each of us," the two said in a prepared statement.
Personal Mission Statement: Write a personal mission statement, and use it as a guide to set goals.
For several reasons, though, I strongly urge you to avoid having anyone else - especially a language institute - write or rewrite the "personal statement" in your application.
If you don't have one already, I highly recommend taking the time to write a personal mission statement.
To ensure that your work is also your play, I recommend that you develop a personal mission statement.
Check to see if the Web site you are visiting has a privacy statement, and review how they use your personal information.
A statement of fact or opinion, especially a remark that expresses a personal reaction or attitude.
When you create your graduate school personal statement, you are presenting a total picture of yourself to admissions officers.
Darker reds, such as a burgundy, can help build trust, while lighter red and pink ties can be more of a statement about your personal style and be associated with creativity.
Write a killer personal statement.
Make sure you know what to bring: Applicants tend to want to bring their complete application package, including transcripts, test scores, personal statement, recommendation letters and a portfolio.
And that's how you get from a blank page to a well-crafted personal statement, college essay and--take it from me--even blog post.
A statement of purpose, including personal experience, the professional background and research plan, 400-800 words.
一篇 400-800字的情况陈述,内容包括个人经历、专业成果及研究计划等;
A statement of purpose, including personal experience, the professional background and research plan, 400-800 words.
一篇 400-800字的情况陈述,内容包括个人经历、专业成果及研究计划等;