The U. S. Secretary of State had a prior commitment in India.
Either way, though, you likely have a prior commitment to an employer — or at least to paying rent and eating on a regular basis.
During Palmer's speech Sherry whispers to Patty that she can not travel with her husband to Dallas the next day because of a prior commitment.
During Palmer's speech, Sherry whispers to Patty that she can not travel with her husband to Dallas the next day because of a prior commitment.
If you can't fulfill a commitment, tell others prior to the deadline, or seek help to meet your schedule.
When confronted with a request that could have been resolved better and faster with prior intelligence, the smart it manager leverages the incident into a commitment to involve it earlier next time.
Probably, the most important part prior to make a commitment onto your brand-new automobile will be to enjoy a try.
The information in this document is subject to change in order to improve reliability, design, or function without prior notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the company.
He said prior studies concluded a mans desirability was influenced more by his earning potential and commitment. His study found physical characteristics mattered more.
He said prior studies concluded a mans desirability was influenced more by his earning potential and commitment. His study found physical characteristics mattered more.