Yesterday, our class had a public benefit activity.
Mozilla is a public benefit organization, CARES about the Internet and the Internet alone, which as noble, good and idealistic as it sounds, I still have to see any evidence that proves the opposite.
Similarly, a person who gets great benefit from a public good should pay more for it than a person who gets little benefit.
"This is a major breakthrough for public health that will benefit many millions of people for many years to come," said WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan.
Clients also benefit from a range of public goods on international sound practices, training programs, and outreach events.
This requires the public health sector to play a stewardship role in fostering policy coherence across sectors, and to influence policies and actions that can benefit health.
Yet good relationships are clearly a social as well as a personal benefit, while bad ones are likewise a private and public cost.
It argued the deal had "no public interest benefit", in a filing at the Federal Communications Commission.
Once polio is eradicated, the world can celebrate the delivery of a major global public good - something that will equally benefit all people, no matter where they live.
Once polio is eradicated, the world can celebrate the delivery of a major global public good that will benefit all people equally, no matter where they live.
Owners are generally encouraged to make their endpoints public when a scenario is published so that they can benefit from testing by non-WSTF members.
Correcting mechanisms of pathology requires a receptive public, one that is willing to alter diet and lifestyle for their own benefit.
With so many never before seen images, this is going to be a real benefit to the public.
The public interest is a kind of social order, is a kind of all subjects involved in the promotion of social benefit-sharing order.
In modern society, the public benefit is a social benefit-sharing and equal participation of the main social order.
It's a drug to normalise metabolism that has, as an added benefit, weight loss. The public must be very, very clear about that.
Finding the advantage of this little collection, I proposed to render the benefit from the books more common, by commencing a public subscription library.
The administrative cause of public benefit is a new lawsuit system for efficient protection of social public benefits.
As a means of balancing the benefit between the public and the patent holder, patent annual fee is one of the necessary parts to keep patent effective, rather than a legal obligation.
Public health service is not only a low -cost and effective service, but also a service with a relatively long-time social benefit return.
An event, usually for the benefit of a charity or public institution, including entertainment and the sale of goods; a bazaar.
Delaying surgery also reduced the amount of time the patient spent in the hospital after surgery - a benefit to both the patient and public health resources.
Company in good faith the principle of mutual benefit to high-quality, low price products to serve the public, unanimously approved a long time.
Nevertheless, Citizens 'environmental right is a complicated right characterized by its public benefit and private benefit in the terms of its concrete system and characteristics.
This article discusses from a new view on how to improve CPAs 'professional quality and restore CPAs 'public confidence mainly on cost-benefit principle's proper application.
This article discusses from a new view on how to improve CPAs 'professional quality and restore CPAs 'public confidence mainly on cost-benefit principle's proper application.