Not enough information makes it difficult for testers to create a robust test - case suite.
Agile techniques recommend having adequate unit and acceptance tests to build a robust test harness around the application.
Many elements — modeling, requirements, design, process, performance, and others — go into the creation of a robust application architecture that can withstand the test of time.
Writing robust test scripts will not only make it much easier for you to guarantee the quality of your project, but will also allow others to more easily port your code to a new environment.
The test application was more robust since it was developed over many months, as opposed to being developed during a traditional, concentrated test preparation phase.
A more robust and realistic system test application incrementally built across multiple iterations.
Selenium is a robust set of tools that supports agile development of test automation for web-based applications across many platforms.
The result of searching a candidate test object is predictable, thus robust.
However, it requires a lot of effort to create robust test code.
Selenium is a robust set of tools that support rapid development of test automation for web-based applications. To add Selenium testing support to your application, execute the commands shown below.
It focuses on the application's behavior rather than the GUI's appearance. The following factors are essential to creating a robust functional GUI test.
Then the paper studies the application of LMI filtering method in the flight test data processing. A new LMI robust filter is provided.
As discussed in a later chapter, Selecting an Automation Approach, capture and replay does not result in a test library that is robust, maintainable or transferable as changes occur.
This paper proposes a robust method to respectively test for the existence of individual effects and time effects in panel data models.
A Robust design approach and integrated test procedure of the aircraft variable geometry inlet control system are discussed.
Creating robust and useful test automation framework is a very difficult task.
Meeting this downturn head on for the first time will be a real test for us, but since we are still growing, we will be able to tide it over and emerge more robust.
Two decades later, a research group led by Lucy Johnston of the University of Canterbury, in New Zealand, performed a more robust test of the idea.
20年后,由露西·约翰斯顿(Lucy Johnston)领导的一个坎特伯雷大学研究小组在新西兰对此想法进行了更有力的测试。
As a matter of fact, according to test results, Kaspersky self-defense capabilities are the most robust in the industry.
As a matter of fact, according to test results, Kaspersky self-defense capabilities are the most robust in the industry.