However, a few more companies — including Microsoft — did send representatives, and the empirical workshop was a saving grace.
She-the girl student, whom he had never seen again-would outlive him, just as his mother had outlived his father, their beauty and wisdom the saving grace for a man like him, a man like his father.
For all his flaws, a country fancies Maradona's saving grace is that he still honestly would.
In a foreign place, the saving grace was the feeling.
What a story we have to tell-not only about social graces but also about saving grace!
Note that the elder son, who was seemingly obedient, actually committed a grave mistake by cutting himself from the saving grace.
The saving grace of art is that it provides these "sleepers" with the idea of a shore to rest on, so that they can imagine the possibility of redemption somewhere beyond reality.
The saving grace of art is that it provides these "sleepers" with the idea of a shore to rest on, so that they can imagine the possibility of redemption somewhere beyond reality.