One good thing about having a Seeing Eye dog is that you can go anywhere in the city safely.
Another intelligent dog is a Seeing Eye dog.
One day, a Seeing Eye dog and a blind man got on a bus together.
German Shepherds aren't the only intelligent dogs. Another intelligent dog is a Seeing Eye dog.
It's still a twinkle in Hollywood's eye, but the chances are that we'll be seeing a biopic of 60s and 70s star Steve McQueen on the big screen soon, as two rival projects are said to be in the works.
虽然这只是好莱坞一个还不成熟的想法但我们很有可能即将会在大荧幕上看到60 70年代明星斯蒂夫麦奎恩的传记片 虽然有两个与之打擂台的作品也在制作中.
Though I was seeing the Taj for the second time, and with all the baggage of scepticism accumulated during another 15 years in journalism, I found myself with a tear in my eye.
After seeing how this air makes the ugly sagebrush and the patches of alkali and brown earth a feast to the eye, one can understand how the light of heaven may make the ugliest faces beautiful.
Partly thanks to work in the eye, gene therapy is seeing something of a Renaissance.
So, instead of seeing eye-popping pictures, people were left with, quite literally, a dim view of things.
But what happens if a poorly trained seeing-eye dog meets up with a cat?
With the Rabbit quartet, he launched his keen, all-seeing eye into a still wider world.
It was a mistake to emphasize the impersonal and to characterize seeing with the eye of ones neighbor as moral.
This is a "seeing-eye dog", an animal specially trained to help the blind get about in public.
For video, that needs to happen at least 25 times a second if the eye is to be fooled into seeing continuous motion.
At the risk of starting another argument, these data may explain why we never hear about such things as a "seeing eye cat, " "police cat" or "search and rescue cat.
The guy, without missing a beat, says "This is my seeing-eye dog."
The first guys sees him, stops him and says "You can't bring that dog in here unless you tell him it's a seeing-eye dog."
Viewers wearing polarised glasses will see a different image with each eye, tricking the brain into believing that it is seeing a three-dimensional image.
In the first case, a 22-year-old woman told her eye doctor that she had trouble seeing out of her right eye at night while she was in bed.
After two appointments with the eye doctor and a new pair of glasses, Carol still isn't seeing well.
The appearing of seeing eye dog is a good way to show our care for them.
Subsequently seeing whitening products in commercials and supermarkets was nothing but a plain eye-opener.
As a Chinese saying goes, "seeing is believing". This trip has been a real eye-opener, to me!
A microscope, or telescope is a way of seeing that is an extension of the eye.
ELIZABETH GOLDRING: my retina prints are my image of what I'm seeing as I look through the seeing machine with my blind eye, they are a kind of blind sight.
ELIZABETH GOLDRING: my retina prints are my image of what I'm seeing as I look through the seeing machine with my blind eye, they are a kind of blind sight.