She won't do a stitch of work.
The lazy woman wouldn't do a stitch of work.
One of them was laughing so much he got a stitch.
Last April, the council created a "Stitch Away Stress" campaign in honor of National Stress Awareness Month.
The shameless admission of the stitch-up should have been a humiliating slap in the face for any self-respecting audience.
When the hooks align with one of the punched holes, they are able able to pass through the hole with a thread, thus creating the required stitch to form the pattern.
If you have intermediate sewing skills then you can easily stitch yourself a pair of proper denim slippers.
The shameless admission of the stitch-up, however, should have been a humiliating slap in the face for any self-respecting audience.
He said the medical unit that treated the President used a smaller filament than is usual which increases the number of stitches but makes a tighter stitch and results in a smaller scar.
Important thangkas are embroidered on transferred Outlines; some of them use a great variety of stitch patterns such as flat and piled stitches to give them a three-dimensional effect.
Peaceful contact proved elusive, but those encounters helped the agents stitch together a profile of a man with a calamitous past.
This week’s decision by the Eurogroup of euro-area finance ministers to nominate Vitor Constâncio as the next vice-president of the European Central Bank (ECB) certainly looks like a stitch-up.
本周欧元区的财长们决定提名维克多 康斯坦塞俄作为下一任欧洲央行(ECB)副行长,这一决定与之前的理论不谋而合。
At one of those factories in an industrial suburb of the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou, a worker uses a sewing machine to stitch together black padding for an orthopedic foot brace.
Stitch the two ends of your trim together to create a big circle.
She takes care of herself.She understands the quality of a stitch, understands the quality of the fabric.She's most likely urban.You know, my clothes are expensive.
Some of them use a great variety of stitch patterns such as flat and piled stitches to give them a three-dimensional effect.
You can find a lot of cross stitch free patterns.
Provides machine embroidery designs in cross-stitch technique, patterns for hand embroidery, and a variety of related supplies.
The Queens, N.Y.-born son of a Greek immigrant stockbroker, Mr. Dimon began his career under Sanford Weill, as the famed deal maker snapped up troubled companies to stitch together Citigroup.
迪蒙出生于纽约皇后区的一个希腊移民家庭,他在桑福德•威尔(Sanford Weill)手下开始了职业生涯,并随同这位商界巨人让一些身处困境的公司与花旗合作,从而摆脱麻烦。
There'll be a little bit of bleeding, but I'll put in some sutures (stitch) to control it.
A combination of long and short stitches with the short stitch visible on the right side.
The seaming is a combination of kitchener stitch and mattress stitch.
The idea is to stitch or glue a patch of new tissue derived from embryonic stem cells over the damaged area of the heart to make the muscle viable again.
The idea is to stitch or glue a patch of new tissue derived from embryonic stem cells over the damaged area of the heart to make the muscle viable again.