A substantial number of people celebrated in Times Square.
This proved that the water management system was capable of providing additional food by way of irrigation to a substantial number of people.
"There are a substantial number of people expressing concern and unhappiness, including President Schapiro," Northwestern spokesman Alan Cubbage said Thursday.
A substantial number of innocent people are suffering from various kinds of incurable diseases due to water and air pollution.
To date we have sold a substantial number of subscriptions, apps, digital subscriptions etc - all giving confidence that people will pay for content of the Spectator's quality.
For example, enterprises may make a substantial contribution to the local economy in many ways including the number of people they employ and their patronage of local suppliers.
A drop of electricity, a piece of paper, once is the small things, but for all our Chinese and global people, a substantial number of!
A drop of electricity, a piece of paper, once is the small things, but for all our Chinese and global people, a substantial number of!