According to Han, Xiaokaxiu is aiming to be a promotional platform for new TV series, or even a talent scout for potential actors.
I was talent I-Ded [spotted by a talent scout] when I was 16 but it wasn't until I won the World Championships for the first time in 2005 that I realised I was any good.
They are constantly networking to develop sources with the specialized skills they need, much as Hollywood studios scout for talent to cast a given film.
An online talent scout, Plentitube is trying to become a middleman of the new media, a matchmaker for the YouTube generation.
It was here that she was spotted by an MGM talent scout, who cast Williams in a supporting role in Andy Hardy's Double Life (1942).
当时MGM(米高梅电影公司)的天才星探看上中了艾泽·威廉姆斯,让她在1942年拍摄的电影“安迪·哈利的双重生活”(AndyHardy ' s Double Life)中出演配角。
I just hope that talent scout fella 's in a good mood.
I just hope that talent scout fella's in a good mood.
The Vauxhall Fashion Scout is the UK's largest catwalk event for emerging designers, featuring a selection of the very best new talent.
The Vauxhall Fashion Scout is the UK's largest catwalk event for emerging designers, featuring a selection of the very best new talent.