ABC's new crop of comedies are what Variety, a trade magazine, calls "laughers".
According to Nilson Report, a trade magazine, American merchants shelled out $56 billion in payment-card fees last year (see chart), over twice the amount they paid five years earlier.
A magazine that features hostess fashion has become wildly popular with women outside the trade, who mimic the heavily made-up eyes and big, coiffed hair.
The trade-off: A trip to Target today means an unflattering photo in USA magazine next week.
Trade magazine A magazine either written for a profession or for a group, as opposed to a consumer magazine, which is written for the general public.
PepsiCo intensified its social-media efforts last November after employees saw critical Twitter posts about an ad in a German trade magazine for a diet cola, which depicted a calorie killing itself.
Charles (Charlie) Gatt, Jr. is a long standing executive in the travel and tourism industry. He is presently the publisher of Travel World News Magazine, a leading trade publication serving the U.
Charles (Charlie) Gatt, Jr. is a long standing executive in the travel and tourism industry. He is presently the publisher of Travel World News Magazine, a leading trade publication serving the U.