A crowd waits in a train station in Suzhou.
One night he stayed at a small hotel near a train station.
A: I work at a train station, and every month they test their workers.
The target of the attack was a train station in the center of the city.
His mother managed to get an uncle on the phone who said he would meet him at a train station.
The assailant spotted the blind man at a train station and thought he would be easy prey.
In a Friday night, a poor young violinist, in a train station at the entrance to the violin.
Most of those who died were gunned down at two luxury hotels, a Jewish community center, a train station and a cafe.
And if you don't want to do it, there's a bus station I'm sure down the street, a train station down the street - take those.
When I enter a train station I think about what books I will read, what type of scenery I will see and who I will meet on the way.
If we have to recall the first time you held my hand. In a train station near Essen. You were worrying about my sense of direction.
如果真的要追溯到第一次牵手。 那么是在杜塞尔多夫火车站。你是怕我走丢了。方向感超级差的我。
Do Young, afraid that her parents would no longer love her anymore abandoned her 5 year old little sister, Ji Young, at a train station.
It isn't only Waterloo: from Guildford to Glasgow, wherever there is a train station, bus terminal or shopping centre, pasty outlets are proliferating.
It in Yunnan people's memory, never just a train station so simple and pure, it is a period of history, it carries the glory and dreams, prosperity and glory.
And when the day came for her to return, I took her to a train station in a nearby village, and we said goodbye. It was very sad to be going our own ways again.
The device, spotted in the hands of an anonymous telco worker at a train station, matches up with the official description of a seven-inch, 3g-capable Android tablet.
Wikipedia's millionth article was about a train station and the two millionth was on a Spanish TV show. This one is a biography of a Norwegian actress and director named Beate Eriksen.
The trains, carrying between 250 and 300 passengers, collided in snowy conditions Monday morning just outside a train station in Buizingen, about 15 kilometers southwest of the Belgian capital.
星期一早上的撞车事故发生在布鲁塞尔西南大约15 公里的伯伊津恩火车站外,当时两辆列车上载有250 到300名乘客,事发时有降雪。
The train pulled into a station.
The train began to pull out of the station – then suddenly shuddered to a halt.
"Here we are now," Beth said, as the train clanked into a tiny station.
A regular bus service connects the train station with the town centre.
You'll pass a bank on the way to the train station.
You'll pass a bank on the way to the train station.