Yes, that is a true statement.
It will be a true statement won't it?
Which of the following is not a true statement about cyber law?
ShareParadoxes are rather loosely defined, but can be said to be a true statement that defies intuition.
Which of the following is NOT a true statement about training in the implementation phase of systems development?
Q: It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is a true statement about the newly discovered Mayan calendar?
And mostly this oft-repeated phrase is a true statement: Surveys show that most Americans feel starved for time to do the things that matter to them.
This is true as the above derivation for a and b of opposite parity is an if and only if statement.
这是正确的,因为上面对a和b 的奇偶性的推导是一个当且仅当命题。
Foxconn said in a statement that it had lost "an industry visionary, a true partner to our company, and a great friend."
Here we have the infallible kind of Sign, the only kind that constitutes a complete proof, since it is the only kind that, if the particular statement is true, is irrefutable.
This phenomenon, known as source amnesia, can also lead people to forget whether a statement is true.
That statement might be true in the long term, but in reality, most working professionals will eventually buy both a house and a car.
In a statement released several hours after their return, the 15 said their arrival at Heathrow airport had been a "dream come true" and said they would not forget the welcome.
This argument also is refutable, even if the statement about the fast breathing be true, since a man may breathe hard without having a fever.
A transition condition is a true or false statement that the processor may use to determine the current state of any particular activity.
If you always tell yourself "I'm a loser" then your subconscious will always guide you towards things that will make that statement true.
It would be nice if this statement was true — everyone could save a lot of time and money by not having to go for regular STD testing.
That sounds like a very appealing statement, but it turns out not to be true if there are high fixed costs to providing stuff.
As a friend of mine once remarked, this negative concept of law is so true that the statement, the purpose of the law is to cause justice to reign, is not a rigorously accurate statement.
The above simple test scenario performed one assert and resulted in a successful scenario due to the "assert true" statement.
The REPEAT statement defines a set of statements to be executed until a condition that is evaluated at the end of the REPEAT loop is true.
REPEAT语句定义了一个语句集合,如果在 REPEAT循环结束时某个条件的求值结果为 true,那么就将执行这个语句集合。
Using atoms in this way also extends to Boolean logic, with the availability of true and false atoms to identify the Boolean result of a statement.
A partially true statement intended to deceive or mislead.
The second type of flow control statement in Python is the while loop, which executes a block of program statements while an expression evaluates True.
The opposite is true: PreparedStatement is recommended when a simple statement is executed many times with different values because the statement has to be compiled only once.
The db2_execute statement returns true or false when completed, and the result set of the query must be bound to a variable before the SQL statement is run.
The getopts command returns true if an option is found, so a common option processing paradigm uses a while loop with a case statement as in this example.
如果找到一个选项,则getopts命令返回true,因此常见的选项处理范例使用带case语句的while 循环,本例中就是如此。
There are instances in which global variables are resolved when a statement is processed, and the database manager must be able to repeat this resolution. This is true in
There are instances in which global variables are resolved when a statement is processed, and the database manager must be able to repeat this resolution. This is true in