I used to think of myself as a typical modern, hands-on dad - changing nappies, cooking my share of chicken nuggets and often climbing out of bed to deal with the crying in the middle of the night.
我一直觉得自己是个新潮的参与型的爸爸- - -我会给孩子换尿片,会炸自己那一份鸡块,会在夜里起来哄哭闹的孩子。
I used to think of myself as a typical modern, hands-on dad - changing nappies, cooking my share of chicken nuggets and often climbing out of bed to deal with the crying in the middle of the night.
我一直觉得自己是个新潮的参与型的爸爸- - -我会给孩子换尿片,会炸自己那一份鸡块,会在夜里起来哄哭闹的孩子。