You have to be explicit about your expectations; if you plan on working 15 hours a day in the beginning, then you want a lab staff that will be willing to match that lifestyle.
Working at Apple was never in any plan that I'd outlined for myself, but was without a doubt the best decision that I ever made.
If you plan a phased or pilot rollout, finding two groups in your organization that need to form trusted working relationships with one another, but that don't have those relationships today.
Sam: Yes, I have been working in the Public Relations Section of a company for the past two years. I plan the advertising campaigns and cooperate with artists and a typographer.
Working a migration plan around other deliverables can be a daunting task that requires special attention.
Do you need to know the exact number of working days that your employees or team members work in order to properly plan for a project?
A comprehensive national policy and plan on human resources for health including adequate remuneration and working conditions.
The current plan is for a Web Services Core Working Group to maintain these specifications.
For technical folks, helping to build a project plan by identifying the tasks and activities and working with your project manager is a reasonable request.
Once you have a working draft of your Life Business Plan, it's almost safe to start web surfing.
If you are working on a systems engineering project, I would think that you will value sticking to your plan as much as responding to change.
"They are looking for a different plan, because the plan they already have isn't working," he believes.
Making an action plan to learn more, experience more, strengthen your skills, and to develop and grow as a person - and actively working to execute your plan while enjoying the process!
They need to plan a budget and find out if their parents can contribute, or if they need to finance their studies by working part-time.
Plan a, based on postponing the restructuring of Europe's struggling countries, was worth trying: it has bought some time. But it is no longer working.
Following this same case, working at 85% capacity means assuming that you'll plan to do a little shy of 7 hours of work.
It may sound like the crazed plan of a James Bond villain but scientists are working on a way to artificially cool the planet by reflecting sunlight away from the Earth.
Shell is working on a plan to install the world's first floating liquefaction plant at two fields north of Gorgon.
He has been working to oust Yang for failing to make a deal with Microsoft, accusing him of sabotaging talks by adopting a costly employee-severance plan.
Perhaps they intend to marry a movie star or to win the lottery but working their way up is not part of the plan.
When you're standing up in front of a room full of IT pros at one of the well-known industry events, you'll know that your plan to become an IT superstar is working.
Obama and McCain urged lawmakers to keep working on a financial rescue plan.
Working out with a group is more fun than going it alone, and it also gives you the motivation you need to stick to your plan.
The best person to create a project plan is the person who is responsible for working that plan.
The best person to create a project plan is the person who is responsible for working that plan.