Ten points will be deducted for a wrong answer.
So who thinks it's a wrong answer, raise your hand?
The Lehman example illustrates the dangers of a wrong answer.
Maybe it's a not a wrong answer --- maybe it's just a different answer.
Your interview is serious business and a wrong answer will send you packing.
Whenever you want information on the 'net, don't ask a question; just post a wrong answer.
There is typically nothing like a wrong answer to a question, even a sub-optimal answer would work fine.
The following question can be used to distinguish real-time systems from the rest: 'is a late answer as bad, or even worse, than a wrong answer?
The following question can be used to distinguish real-time systems from the rest: "is a late answer as bad, or even worse, than a wrong answer?"
There is rarely a wrong answer to this type of question, but quick-thinking candidates can turn the response into an opportunity to impress the employer.
This is an area in which your members may be more comfortable responding to questions because there is less chance that they will give a wrong answer.
Just like the location of the hidden ball inside one of those two boxes, we're convinced that there's a right and a wrong answer to such important life questions.
Asking questions during the sermon might be a little intimidating to the members of the congregation, who are afraid to speak publicly because they might give a wrong answer.
Once you've made the mistake of giving a wrong answer to a loaded question, even if it was years ago, even if you've apologized, you better believe you haven't heard about it for the last time.
It is easy to imagine that this mentality would have even more impact on a fuzzy concept like art appreciation, where there is no right or wrong answer.
Put a tick if the answer is correct and a cross if it's wrong.
When asked to make simple perceptual decisions such as matching a shape to its rotated image, for example, people often choose a definitively wrong answer if they see others doing the same.
You can have a discussion about what's right or wrong, and it will lead to the right answer.
According to experiments, people who consciously struggle with a difficult question are more likely to get the wrong answer, compared to those who put it on the mental backburner.
True, some problems can be given that clearly have a right or wrong answer. But most are not so clear cut.
And you may have had the following strange experience. You listed, you weighed, you calculated the answer — and, in a flash of insight, you realised it was the wrong one.
If it's not correct, find out what the correct response is and ask the user for a question that would have distinguished the right answer from the wrong one.
In some business analytics use cases, the correct insight or answer, but provided late in a non-timely fashion, can often be considered the wrong answer.
It's about realizing that there isn't always a right or a wrong way of doing things. There is not always the correct answer, only the answers that we create.
Wrong, a new study has found. The answer is anxiety disorders, impulse control disorders, and substance use disorders.
A mathenatician or a wot would give you the wrong answer.
While there is no right or wrong answer, having seen the extremes I’d like to offer you a framework for considering the right answer for yourselves.
While there is no right or wrong answer, having seen the extremes I’d like to offer you a framework for considering the right answer for yourselves.