A wall might separate our flats and masks can separate the viruses, but nothing is able to separate our hearts.
Able to separate true love from transitory infatuation.
The biggest skill is being able to separate yourself from your work.
Nobody knew now later will be able to separate in the together people.
Investigate the parameters that set the limits of being able to separate the books.
You have to be able to separate your personal life from playing a character... That's not your real life.
I play a bit of piano, and I think that helped a lot with being able to separate the two hands and rhythms there.
She said Fritzl was able to separate his two lives - the family he kept downstairs, and his official upstairs family.
If a CEO is willing and able to separate ideas from the people delivering them, it can be the best thing in the world.
The 16-member medical team was able to separate the Shared system of veins that drained blood from the brothers' brains.
However, Newman said the chances are good that the surgical team will be able to separate the twins safely and successfully.
It is able to separate the plastics from metals such as gold, copper, aluminium etc. which account for over 99% of the wastes.
Those resting at 1800 may not be able to separate from the matrixes, as they are inherently related to the Annanuki who created them.
Often, they aren't able to separate themselves from it, so every critique is seen either as a validation or condemnation of their self-worth.
The algorithm is able to separate the single signal in the composite signals and quantitatively analyze signal components in the mixed signal.
Researchers say bilingual children are better able to separate a word from its meaning, and more likely to have friends from different cultures.
Researchers say bilingual children are better able to separate a word from its meaning, and more likely to have friends from different cultures.
When a thread is blocked waiting for I/O, it is useful to be able to separate the waiting thread from the original thread of execution, allowing it to continue working.
当一个线程在等待I/O 的过程中被阻止时,将等待中的线程与原始执行线程分离开来将会很有用,这将使它能继续工作。
As a result, the researchers were able to separate brain activity specifically related to attentional orienting from activity associated with general cue processing.
As we have seen earlier, once we are able to separate normal operations from changes, the architecture can rely solely on events and lifecycles for design and implementation.
Kawabata Yasunari 's keenness on writing the death theme was not able to separate him from his experience of life, outlook of life, aesthetic standards and his age as well.
Kawabata Yasunari 's keenness on writing the death theme was not able to separate him from his experience of life, outlook of life, aesthetic standards and his age as well.