The theory was based in the transmission characteristics of evanescent wave in attenuated total reflection and the abnormal dispersion characteristics of material.
It is based on literature studies, that the stagnation of Gan - energy is the commonest diagnostic type of dispersion, and the abnormal dispersion of Gan is a basic pathogenesis of dispersion.
Taken into account both second order dispersion and SPM in the abnormal-dispersion region of single-mode fibers, we obtained the expression of chirp induced by GVD and SPM.
考虑了光源初始啁啾的作用 ,推导出均方根脉宽的解析表达式 ,分析表明 :二阶偏振模色散对脉冲展宽的作用与群速度色散及啁啾有关 ,一阶偏振模色散的作用则与这两者无关。
Taken into account both second order dispersion and SPM in the abnormal-dispersion region of single-mode fibers, we obtained the expression of chirp induced by GVD and SPM.
考虑了光源初始啁啾的作用 ,推导出均方根脉宽的解析表达式 ,分析表明 :二阶偏振模色散对脉冲展宽的作用与群速度色散及啁啾有关 ,一阶偏振模色散的作用则与这两者无关。