A BBC News documentary about the Swiss spaghetti Harvest depicts farmers pulling strands of spaghetti from trees.
Patrick Vignaud, director of Poitier University's Institute of Palaeo-primatology and Human Palaeontology, told BBC News the cats were about the same size as modern lions.
"It was a picture of a wolf, there is no question about that, but we have never talked about wolves being present in Senegal before," he told BBC News.
"Two years ago, I gave a talk to a general audience in New Jersey about climate change," he told BBC News.
“两年前,我在新泽西州和一位普通听众就气候变化问题做过一次交流,”他告诉BBC News记者。
"We've been thinking about this for several years now - we've had a look at a number of different approaches, and didn't have any success," one of the research team, Derek Tittensor, told BBC News.
“对这个问题,我们已经思考了几年——我们看到了各种各样的估计值,却没有取得任何成果。”研究团队的一员,DerekTittensor对BBC News说。
Matt: Yeah, actually, and one nice feature about reading news online and that I've noticed lately when I went to the, I shouldn't say names, but the BBC web site and so I was reading an article.
The author made a field investigation in Times, BBC, Financial News, and had a discussion with the principals of the media about the digital transformation of the traditional media.
The author made a field investigation in Times, BBC, Financial News, and had a discussion with the principals of the media about the digital transformation of the traditional media.