The ABRA genes of isolate FCC1/HN and other isolates share quite high homology.
In the meantime, Shinsei is revising its own proposal to persuade the other Japanese Banks to join Abra.
The effects of cavitation erosion resistance, abra - sion resistance and corrosion resistance of the cladding layer are reviewed.
Hebron Abra ham moved on to Hebron, where he put down his deep est roots (13:18). Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all lived and were buried here.
Reasons of high efficiency dedusting and no settling dust and no abra-sion at the throat inlet of the system under the condition of no water With the double-Venturi Tube washing process are presented.
Reasons of high efficiency dedusting and no settling dust and no abra-sion at the throat inlet of the system under the condition of no water With the double-Venturi Tube washing process are presented.