The metal elements and forms of abradant were analyzed by AES and XRD.
It also introduces the characteristic of abradant efflux cutting, the construction of cutting equipment and material supply system.
With the brake speed of the lower one it mainly refers to fatigue wear, while of higher one it mainly refers to abradant and oxidation wear.
Silica gel column chromatography and solvent extraction were used to separate grease and abradant in a kind of excellent polishing paste for plastics, respectively.
With beans as raw material, lactic acid fermentation bean milk drink was made through the abradant, adding the domestic lactic acid bacteria fermentation and blend.
The effects of water pressure, off distance, transverse speed, abrasive flow rate, abrasive grade and the kind of abradant to the effectiveness of rust -removing are analyzed.
The effects of water pressure, off distance, transverse speed, abrasive flow rate, abrasive grade and the kind of abradant to the effectiveness of rust -removing are analyzed.