What academic degree will you get?
Academic Degree System and Graduate Education in China.
Article 22 The State applies a system of academic degree.
The Humphrey Program is not designed to lead to an academic degree.
So which one actually dictates our future, academic degree or capability?
This course belongs to the academic degree curriculum of communication postgraduates.
To take other related responsibilities concerning academic degree and graduate education.
Thanks for your help and this is my first academic degree which I'll cherish in my whole life.
All of them have the master or higher academic degree and more than two years of teaching experience.
Formal thesis defence is held according to "Shanghai University Academic Degree-conferring Detailed Codes".
To conduct nongovernmental international exchange and cooperation in academic degree and graduate education.
Discuss and judge whether the dissertation meet the academic standard required by the academic degree ordinance;
① 缦 评议论文是否达到学位条例所要求的学术水平;
A person who has earned the highest academic degree awarded by a college or university in a specified discipline.
My father in particular would have forgiven me anything except my not hanging on the wall the academic degree he could not have.
Talent concept: Ethics first, abilities second, academic degree third, position scientifically, remain the elite and reject the dross.
Are those who have associate diploma or postgraduates with postgraduate diploma without academic degree certificates also qualified to apply?
The point of an academic degree, as opposed to a vocational qualification, is to teach understanding, rather than skills—a point sadly lost on Dr.
An academic degree conferred by a college or university upon those who complete at least one year of prescribed study beyond the bachelor's degree.
Some graduates obtain such an academic degree in order to teach investors, mortgage loan originators, and other professionals connected with this field.
A person with a high academic degree is not necessarily considered a good leader because academic achievement is not the same as administrative management.
Therefore it's selected for the research object of the academic degree thesis. By using related methods such as the music analytics, drama theory, music historiography etc.
Being a professor in the U. S. is a respected job not just because of a high academic degree, but because of taking a responsibility as a role model for the young generation.
The point of an academic degree, as opposed to a vocational qualification, is to teach understanding, rather than skills-a point sadly lost on Dr. McBride when he penned his article.
一个学术学位,不同于一种职业资格,关键在于让人理解而不是技术——不幸的是Dr .McBride在写这篇文章的时候没有注意到这一点。
Today, the scale of academic degree and graduate education is expanding continuously, fair and just audit of postgraduate degree units 'authorization is more and more important.
Today, the scale of academic degree and graduate education is expanding continuously, fair and just audit of postgraduate degree units 'authorization is more and more important.