We didn't accomplish much at work this week.
I don't think mere petitioning will accomplish much.
Running down the street naked will get you noticed, but it won't accomplish much.
As Harvard's Dr Halamka puts it, "just automating a broken process doesn't accomplish much."
It's clear that bash can accomplish much more than what I've touched on in this series of articles.
I used to be anxious to accomplish much good in the would. I am now content if I do but little harm.
If the project has just been created, the Job doesn't accomplish much because there's no code to index.
Happy birthday! -you did not accomplish much, but you didn't die this year, I guess that's good enough.
I've become highly unbalanced to accomplish much of the success I've had with this website and my business.
Today, under Craig s direction, Free the Children continues to accomplish much on behalf of child laborers.
This week was very successful and I am certain that throughout this school year this class will accomplish much.
A man can accomplish much when the woman he loves supports him, even if she believes that what he does is foolishness.
Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.
If these people didn't say they body hurts, and instead stated that they can and are willing to do it, they could be able to accomplish much more things.
While I try to follow my passions, there are always some "boring" things I must do. If I can learn to make them interesting, I can accomplish much more in my life.
If you set the right new plans and processes in motion, you can accomplish much of true, lasting significance over the next few days… and still have a pleasant week.
It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love, is well done.
On the other hand, if your child thinks you feel he can't accomplish much on his own, he will begin to share your opinion and lower his expectations to accommodate your view.
They accomplish much basic research work, and develop some practical CAI system. However there exist many problems remained in their works that should be solved by workers in CAI step by step.
I have so much to accomplish this year in so little time, the idea seems irresistible.
You gauge your measure of success by how much you accomplish. You even determine how happy you allow yourself to be by how much you've gotten done in the day.
Leo Babauta, suggests, you focus on how much you love what you're doing, instead of how much you can accomplish.
You want to know what you did to deserve this, and how anyone could possibly do such a thing before you had a chance to accomplish the things that mean so much to you.
You will be surprised by just how much you can accomplish with white space alone.
As you feel urgency, you'll be surprised how much work you can accomplish just because you maintain the belief that it is possible (and urgent) to succeed.
Try to accomplish as much as possible before dinner.
Try to accomplish as much as possible before dinner.