According to the purpose of gene transcription design of the two primers.
Secondly, according to the purpose of training to develop training camouflage items.
The Good News translation puts it this way: "You were chosen according to the purpose of God."
So it is de-sired to measure and choose such material in advance according to the purpose of application.
According to the purpose, teachers guide involves the following four parts: inspirative guide, encouraging guide, precedent guide, explorative guide.
What's the purpose of having good reading habits according to the passage?
It also vaies within any one person according to his purpose in reading and his familiarity with the text.
It also varies within any one person according to his purpose in reading and his familiarity with the text.
According to Webb, the purpose of garrison government was to provide military support for a royal policy designed to limit the power of the upper classes in the American colonies.
It is named according to the familiar construct it represents and is used to access that construct for the purpose of doing calculations.
The purpose of all this, according to Apple, is to maintain a comprehensive location database, which in turn provides quicker and more precise location services.
According to the student, which is one important purpose of studying specialized cells in human bones?
学习这些人类骨骼中的特殊细胞的重要目的是为了 学习如何预防骨头疾病。
For the most part, all of these elements are named according to their purpose.
ServiceMix defines this namespace, the purpose of which is to specify the behavior of CXFSE according to your application requirements.
The purpose and intent? According to the promotional web page, it is.
I use this ability to group events according to their purpose in the business domain.
Each of the above mentioned segments serves a different purpose according to the requirement and offers different products mainly for businesses around the world.
This is 1969, and the purpose that's alleged for appealing to the author as a paternal source, as an authority, is, according to both Barthes and Foucault, to police the way texts are read.
According to RUP, the purpose of this step is to identify a candidate set of analysis classes which will be capable of performing the behavior described in our use cases.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.
Whoever steals an infant or a baby for the purpose of extorting money shall be punished according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Whoever, for the purpose of extorting the payment of debts, unlawfully distrains or detains another person shall be punished according to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs.
According to researchers the purpose is to help with the shortage of available organs for transplant patients. Again, the telegraph.
According to Dale the purpose of the game "to create, learn, remember, and express ideas about how to respond to resistance".
According to Dale the purpose of the game "to create, learn, remember, and express ideas about how to respond to resistance".