When you're happy with your new AD, give it a name and click the Activate button.
Now I can either choose additional tasks to go along with the reminder such as turning off the computer or I can press the Activate button to finalize the task.
The force-feedback or haptic controller is a pistol-grip design with a trigger to activate movement and a thumb-controlled side button to open or close the gripper.
For that reason, I usually activate the DataHub component only at runtime, for example in response to a Button Click event.
Check the Activate the subscription set check box and select the Make active indefinitely radio button, as shown in Figure 6.
To create a place, you fill in the address form, activate the Go button, and the application passes the address to two Web services: Yahoo!
要创建一个地点,需要填写地址表单,激活Go按钮,然后应用程序将把地址发送给两个Web 服务:Yahoo!
Click the Accept button to activate all changes.
Assuming you have purchased a permanent license, you can click on the Manage Licenses button and activate the permanent license as described in the previous section.
Click the enable security button to enable and activate security.
So, by default, the Focus on Active Task button automatically toggles on when you activate a task and toggles off when you deactivate a task.
To enter a From date, click the From field or the calendar button to activate the pop-up as shown in Figure 13.
输入From日期的方法是单击 From 框或日历按钮以打开弹出窗口,见图13。
Put it into your Web page and then activate your event handler (click a button, TAB out of a field, or use whatever method you set up to trigger a request).
Activate any selection tool, then hit the Refine Edge button in the options bar.
However, unlike the iPhone version, there's no "camera" button which would allow you to immediately activate the phone's camera in order to take a picture and then upload it.
Fixed: Weapons - Flashlight button must be pressed twice to activate it.
Return the 'Manage Profiles' panel and activate the new profile using the' Make Active 'button (As shown in figure 2).
From the properties of the transition, activate the Triggers TAB, and then click the Add button.
Place headset speakers on ears and activate the device by depressing the on button (3).
Button that looks for the moment to activate the clutch.
At the pop-up Dialog box click at the Script All Objects in the selected Databases check box, to activate it and then click the Next Button.
To activate the alarm, you just push this button.
Or you might activate it by a button.
Laser pen button: press this button to activate the laser pen.
To Activate your Microphone or Camera you click on the button in the top left corner, similar to the below image.
There is no button that you click to activate it. It will automatically effect an enemy unit if you attack it at short range (You will have to manually click on that unit for the EMP to activate).
The button below will direct you through the necessary steps to receive your free serial number and user ID which may be used to activate your product.
At the tip of the stick is a Bluetooth button, which can be synced with your device to activate the shutter on your camera.
自拍杆一端设有蓝牙按钮,用来同步使用者的智能设备,按下相机快门。 㒻。
At the tip of the stick is a Bluetooth button, which can be synced with your device to activate the shutter on your camera.
自拍杆一端设有蓝牙按钮,用来同步使用者的智能设备,按下相机快门。 㒻。