Methods 84 patients with phonism in schizophrenia is divided into two groups, medicine group and treatment combined with acupuncture treatment group, and observe the therapeutic effect of two groups.
Methods 256 cases in the treatment group treated by acupuncture and Moxibustion combined with absorbing O 2, 128 cases in the control group treated by taking medicine.
方法治疗组2 5 6例用针灸配合吸氧疗法治疗,对照组12 8例应用口服常规药物进行治疗,重点观察其治疗有效率及毒副作用。
Objective: To observe the treatment effectiveness of traumatic synovitis on knee-joint by comprehensive therapy of acupuncture scalpel combined with traditional Chinese medicine and rehabilitation.
Objective: To observe the treatment effectiveness of traumatic synovitis on knee-joint by comprehensive therapy of acupuncture scalpel combined with traditional Chinese medicine and rehabilitation.