Adam Lambert : YES! Fate and Destiny are real! but you have to follow your instincts to allow it to unfold. we sometimes stand in our our own way.
Allen pulled off one of the most surprising wins in the show's nearly decade-long history by taking the crown from the theatrical powerhouse , Adam Lambert.
The 23-year-old Allen, a student from Arkansas, won the 2009 season of the popular singing contest, defeating presumed front-runner Adam Lambert who was known for his outlandish style.
今年23岁的阿伦是一名来自阿克萨斯的学生,在2009年第八季全美最受欢迎的歌唱大赛《美国偶像》中,阿伦击败了以演唱风格怪异闻名的夺冠热门亚当·兰伯特(Adam Lambert)。
The 23-year-old Allen, a student from Arkansas, won the 2009 season of the popular singing contest, defeating presumed front-runner Adam Lambert who was known for his outlandish style.
今年23岁的阿伦是一名来自阿克萨斯的学生,在2009年第八季全美最受欢迎的歌唱大赛《美国偶像》中,阿伦击败了以演唱风格怪异闻名的夺冠热门亚当·兰伯特(Adam Lambert)。