That's my advice. But it's certainly not a definitive list. Anyone have something to add? I'll make sure he sees it.
This list isn't meant to be comprehensive (by all means, add your own suggestions in the comments section), I'm just taking an opportunity to highlight my personal favorites.
I'm going to add all three of these stocks to my watch list with this column.
I will likely add one of these to my birthday wish list each year as they are just so versatile, convenient and take up very little space.
Next up is instance behavior: I want my User instances to support the ability to list all retweets in order of influence, which means I need to add another method.
Basically, I had to add a new application to my list of known time sinks: Firefox.
In my next column, I'll go through the Jubak's Picks watch list to pick out the companies with a quality edge — and I'll add a few more to the list.
在我的下个专栏中,我会通览我的观察表[Jubak ' s Picks],选出一些具有相当优势的公司—然后再向列表中增加一些公司。
In the menu bar, you can choose your favorite slide transitions (3d Cube is my favorite), or add a talk to your favorite list and view other related talks.
With that, I think the pragmatic thing to do would be to add "sleep more" and "shop less" to my to-do list.
By implementing the plus and minus methods, I've overloaded both + and - and can now use them in my scripts. Listing 5 demonstrates their behavior to add and subtract songs from a play list.
Please add my name to the list.
Access to the project details page, click the "Follow" button to add the project to the list of my project, change your mind can click the "Unfollow" button.
Please add my name to your mailing list.
Every morning, I add some tasks to my to-do list, and by the time I leave my office in the afternoon, there are so many undone things on the list that it has grown into a didn't do list.
This is my contact, why don't you add me to your friends list!
Please share this message with your colleagues. If you received this message from one of your colleagues, you can add yourself to my new mailing list here.
I need to remember to add skydiving to my bucket list.
How do I add custom fields to my contacts list?
I add a few more things to my list, then do a fast count of what I've got so far.
My name is Lee I'm 33 years old, and if you wanna get know me better contact me ore-mail me Just add me to your list of MSN ok: Music and my guitar are a big part of my life.
Put it in my in-box, would you please I'll add it to my PIM's To-Do list.
Please add my name to the list.
Please add my name to the list...
Please add my name to the list...