Additional item not listed will be considered seriously.
If you buy more than one item, you pay just US $5 for each additional item.
Decide in advance, for instance, which products each additional item can be related to.
Pushup list: A list of items that each additional item stored is placed at the end of the list.
Increase the Orange camps level near each start location and added an additional item to each of those camps.
Plan, plan, plan and plan again. Decide in advance, for instance, which products each additional item can be related to.
Some queues are restricted in size, so when you want to add a new item to a full queue, the additional item is rejected.
In this example, we have a menu that includes an item for each conversation, together with two additional items that let the user begin a new conversation.
Menu service is an obvious characteristic of our company, using the principle of two main items plus one additional item, adding other main or additional items.
Deluxe Plan has already included 3 Cancer Markers, you can pick maximum 3 additional items; Premier Plan has included 1 Cancer Marker, you can pick 1 additional item only.
ItemFinders facilitate browsing because they can retrieve all of the items contained within a Folder or WorkQueue, as well as any additional item handles that have been requested.
When a company introduces an additional item with a new flavor, form, color, or package size in a given product category and under the same brand name, it is called a line extension.
To obtain a high-quality scan or photograph of an item, institutions have hitherto tended to charge fees and impose additional restrictions on usage.
This section covers some additional ways to make the association between a work item and a change set.
When additional work on the item is required, the SAP client is launched and the work item opened.
The user selects one item, and additional details about that item are presented to the user (search and review behavior).
The last recipe item in the list, shown in Listing 5, contains an additional HTML class: online-required.
列表中的最后一个食谱项目,如清单5所示,包含一个额外的html类:online - required。
To support this, the new rendering portlet now creates an additional site analytics log entry enabling you to identify the content item being rendered.
As you can see from Listing 7, additional nested lists are embedded into the list item elements for Workgroups and Conferences.
Figure 6 illustrates the output of Listing 7 with video and additional details such as type (link), title (Drupal), author (the item is blank with no specific author named), and provider (Wikipedia).
Creating a work item on an instance object for an additional person.
XML-RPC has a few additional artifacts -- like the need to wrap the whole object in a one-item tuple -- but these are minor issues.
XML-RPC有几个额外的构件 ―就象需要将整个对象封装在包含一项的元组中 ―但这些都是小问题。
In context, an LLSD object is used to pass in any additional data specified in the XML file defining a menu item.
For more information about conflict resolution, see the chapter titled "Additional Considerations" in the "Creating a New Item Connector" section cited in Resources.
ToolTip, another commonly used element, is a small box that displays additional information about a particular item.
Additional attributes that are typically not set on creation but are assigned during work item triage or when working on a bug.
For each item, make a list of any additional questions you have and areas where you feel that you need more information.
Any additional days exceeding 105 days will be treated as sick leave according to item above.
Fixed: let delete part of item in stack instead deleting full stack, additional anti-cheating check for operations with NPC.
Fixed: let delete part of item in stack instead deleting full stack, additional anti-cheating check for operations with NPC.