The effects of the additive noise on the ILD are discussed.
We reduce the power of additive noise by adding outlier rejection rule in ICA.
The physical meaning of the additive noise perturbed generalized M sets was expounded.
This paper considers the single record estimators for cumulants of sinusoids in additive noise.
The exponential models with additive noise describe a class of important nonlinear stochastic systems.
An additive noise removing algorithm using reciprocal weight and adaptive neighborhood statistics is proposed.
Consider the additive noise in the expression dataset, a new method based on Total Least Squares (TLS) is presented.
The problem of estimating the parameter of a linear frequency modulated signal embedded in additive noise is considered.
The harmonics retrieval in multiplicative and additive noise is studied from the view point of cyclostatiolnary processes.
Penalty function based method is a very effective method to estimate the number of sinusoid in presence of additive noise.
For the seismic prospecting data with additive noise, it has been put up to deal with the data using the chaotic oscillator system.
It has been put up to detect the event using the chaotic oscillator detection system for the seismic prospecting data with additive noise.
In order to estimate the spectrum of the signal from the observed data with additive noise, the prior Knowledge of the noise is always used.
Experimental result shows that LOPDI algorithm can greatly increase automatic speech recognition system's robustness against additive noise.
Second, a special 2-D the fourth-order time-average moment spectrum is defined to estimate frequency in zero mean multiplicative and additive noise.
The problem of two dimensional nonlinear self coupled harmonics in multiplicative noise and additive noise is analyzed by two dimensional cyclic statistics.
A kind of single input channel speech enhancement algorithm based on signal subspace is studied for enhancement of speech degraded by colored additive noise.
One possible application of this method is the separate estimation of the spectra of a single and additive noise, based on autocorrelation of signal plus noise.
The second order stochastic Runge Kutta algorithm for systems driven by a single additive noise is generalized, which makes it more suitable for complex situation.
This paper describes the effect of additive noise and convolution noise on speech data and gives a blind environmental compensation method to improve environmental robustness.
The detection performance of the universal steganalysis is improved with a new algorithm put forward for the additive noise modelable steganography in the spacial domain specially.
Experimental results and attack analysis show that the method is robust against normal image processing such as JPEG loss compression, filtering, additive noise, and cropping attacks.
This paper proposes two methods for speech recognition under the additive noise environment, namely dynamic adaptation multi model spectral subtraction and multi model spectral addition.
Then the influence on the average power spectrum and bispectrum of specklegrams caused by the photon noise, additive noise and more complex noises of other kinds in the detecting system .
The effects of multiplicative noise on additive noise-induced internal signal stochastic resonance(ISR)are studied in a Neurospora circadian clock system driven by external signal or not.
According to the excellent generalization performance and global optimal property for peak of SVM, the method can suppress the random additive noise more effectively in contrast with traditional ones.
Then, The WVD function's mechanism of suppressing additive random noise in stationary random process is analyzed theoretically.
Then, The WVD function's mechanism of suppressing additive random noise in stationary random process is analyzed theoretically.