After a day of air and activity, you should be in the mood for a good meal.
After a day of sightseeing, take in a musical or play in one of the world-renowned Broadway Theaters.
However good your monitor is, whether it is low-radiant or LCD, you will definitely feel light-headed after a day of web-surfing.
不管你的显示器有多好,不管是低辐射的还是LCD 的,在浏览了一天的网页后,你肯定会感到头晕。
Try this: Take a photo and upload it to Facebook, then after a day or so, note what the URL link to the picture is and then delete it.
After a day, there were only some 30 reports.
That’s difficult after a day of skiing or dog sledding, both available through the hotel.
After a day off with illness, she returns to school to find that things have changed.
After a day of confusion and forgetfulness, she went to the Georgetown University Hospital.
How joyful and relaxing it is to have a game of table tennis after a day of study at school!
Does it make any sense to say, "After a day spent killing his parents, Frank was happy"?
Those who didn't nap would score lower on IQ test than those that did (after a day of work).
The simplicity of home and family made us happy, and allowed us to rest after a day of truly living.
And after a day of working in this arrangement I feel a lot better and my neck doesn't feel out of whack.
How many people are likely to go home after a day of work and sit down to hours of frustration before bed?
This is about understanding what will motivate people to stick with your tool after a day or a week of using it.
"The situation is not catastrophic yet," said Mr. Holmes, after a day of visiting hungry villages hundreds of miles from here.
After a day or two the spawn is laid in long strings which wind themselves in and out of the reeds and soon become invisible.
It cannot be exported because it doesn't remain fresh for a long while and it starts blackening after a day from being collected.
After a day and two nights of walking they were desperate for sleep, but Gonzalo didn't let them rest in the freezing cold lest they not wake up again.
So their main source for information was via television - that is, if they could be bothered to watch serious programming after a day out in the fields.
After a day or two reacquainting themselves with their families at Christmas, most will race back to their desks next week, hungry to make another killing.
After a day and two nights of wasted time we had eight hours or so to take our recreation, to scour the roads for cigarette ends, to beg, and to look for work.
The total effort which would occupy a busy man for three minutes all told may in this fashion leave another person prostrate after a day of doubt, anxiety and toil.
We reached an understanding that one cannot be sizzling company all the time and enjoyed being able to offer each other time out after a day of working and raising a child.
After a day or two I drove back across the country to Washington, to tell Rick Stearns and Gary Hart, Senator McGovern's campaign manager, that I couldn't go to Florida after all.
Schels agrees: "We'd come back here in the evening, after a day when we'd maybe been to a funeral and shot pictures of a dead body, and we'd sit here crying and drinking whisky and wine."
Schels agrees: "We'd come back here in the evening, after a day when we'd maybe been to a funeral and shot pictures of a dead body, and we'd sit here crying and drinking whisky and wine."