They tailed after the suspect.
The police were tailing after the suspect.
After hours of questioning, the suspect confessed.
Police apprehended the suspect early Thursday as he tried to escape from the bus about three hours after the attack, Colwell said.
The suspect was alleged to have robbed RMB170000 in cash after breaking into a local postal deposit bank by smashing its windows.
But after this string of errors, wouldn't you at least begin to suspect that the people you find congenial have a fundamentally wrong-headed view of how the world works?
On top of this, often after years of investigation, they also weigh the evidence, and decide whether to send a suspect for trial.
But the magnitude -- and velocity -- at which strategists adjust their estimates after stocks crash renders the practice of oddsmaking suspect.
Wound cleansing and immunization within a few hours after contact with a suspect rabid animal can prevent the onset of rabies and death.
He also is one of those in the office who really 'gets' liveblogging, and I suspect the two are linked - after all, liveblogging is all about urgency, communication and sharing information.
But in 2001, after failing to reproduce the results and finding that some of the data were suspect, the result was retracted.
The BBC's Nick Bryant in Sydney said police suspect that in at least one case fires have been restarted by arsonists after being extinguished by firefighters.
Minutes after Mr. Rebete ticketed the urinator he caught in the alley, another suspect headed the same way.
Obviously, it wasn't possible to recreate all aspects of the case, like the adrenaline rush of running after a murder suspect, or the chaos of so many people moving through the same space.
Management itself, the art of planning, organizing, deciding and controlling, will fall by the wayside. After all, planning is suspect in an unpredictable world.
The authors suspect that the abrupt change in blood calcium levels after taking a supplement causes the adverse effect, rather than it being related to the total amount of calcium consumed.
I suspect it might have been a selfish thing at first -- why should moms have all the fun, after all?
The culprit proved to be a 15-year-old Canadian high school student who was identified as a suspect only after publicly bragging about the attacks in an online forum.
He said that police apprehended the suspect after a confrontation lasting several hours when the man broke a bus window and tried to escape.
As an example, IDS monitors and records significant events on a specific computer or from the network examining data and providing an "after the fact" forensic ability to identify suspect activity.
I suspect they were after the pool.
After a bank robbery last fall in a neighboring city, Droll began twittering what she was hearing on the police radio, including a description of the alleged suspect.
After you verify the changes are complete, you can remove the suspect flag by selecting Clear suspect in the context menu, as shown in Figure 29.
When Gran turned to him for a radio job after the war, he was the first to tell her she was suspect, the first to turn her away.
It was not until late May that the Pentagon finally closed in on a suspect, and that was only after a very strange sequence of events.
It was not until late May that the Pentagon finally closed in on a suspect, and that was only after a very strange sequence of events.