Technological progress in abatement must exceed growth in aggregate output inorder for pollution to fall and the environment to improve.
In the paper, an exchange rate-output model consisting of IPLM curve and aggregate output curve is built, indicating the inner relevance of the three-generation currency crises and models.
Because the target XML document structure contains a nested hierarchy with repeating elements, you must customize this XML Output stage to aggregate information for each account.
因为目标XML文档结构包含带有重复元素的嵌套分层结构,您必须定制此XMLOut put阶段才能聚合每个帐户的信息。
After determining the active page, the portal USES the layout of the page to aggregate the content of the defined applications, to place the output, and to integrate everything into a complete page.
Increasing aggregate demand is supposed to increase output growth by increasing labor input.
At the bottom of the output are the aggregate totals for both input power and processing time required to acquire the data.
It requires aggregate demand to return to, and exceed, potential output.
When you move to a cell in this column and select an aggregate function to apply to the associated data column, by default the resulting expression is added as an output column for the result set.
Why would fiscal policy be effective where the economy is relatively distant from potential output but not in an economy where aggregate supply curve is steep?
The second link is whether the change of aggregate demand would cause the change of the output.
It is assumed that aggregate supply is simply a summation of supplies by individual enterprises or a multiplication of the supply of output by the representative enterprise.
Keynes introduced Keynesian economics, which is an economic theory of spending in the economy, which is related to aggregate demand, and its effect on output and inflation.
When you choose the GROUP BY option or add an aggregate function to a query, all columns marked for output or used for sorting are automatically added to the GROUP BY clause.
当选择“分组依据”选项或将聚合函数添加到查询中时,所有标记为输出或用于排序的列将自动添加到GROUP by子句中。
If you manually add a query output column to an aggregate function in either the Criteria or SQL pane, the query and View Designer does not automatically remove other output columns from the query.
Therefore, you must remove the remaining columns from the query output or make them part of the GROUP BY clause or of an aggregate function.
Econometric models generally have a short-aggregate supply component with fixed prices, and aggregate demand portion, and a potential output component.
Study of aggregate economic behavior such as total output, economic growth, inflation and unemployment.
However, output of crude oil in our country can hardly satisfy the aggregate demand day by day. The huge gap between supply and demand can only make up through the import.
However, output of crude oil in our country can hardly satisfy the aggregate demand day by day. The huge gap between supply and demand can only make up through the import.