However, the compressed air pass the same large area of Laval nozzle in the traditional vacuum ejector all through the working process, so its large shortcoming is high compressed air consumption.
Clearance of ejector pin is used to vent little quantity air or the part may intervene with vent plug and ejector pin.
Thefirst stage is achieved by an air ejector.
Adopts stratified air conditioning mode with ejector nozzle air supply outlets for this large space building.
In the case of air ejector priming device the operation procedure as follow.
Coke gas was introduced into blast furnace hot air stove by use of ejector to increase air temperature so as to achieve the aim of reducing coke rate and increasing the production.
Coke gas was introduced into blast furnace hot air stove by use of ejector to increase air temperature so as to achieve the aim of reducing coke rate and increasing the production.