Fully Automatic Test Algebraic Language?
全自动测试代数语言FATAL ?
Jules Own Version of the International Algebraic Language?
国际代数语言的朱尔斯特有版本JOVIAL ?
In essence, the goal here is to create a small language that allows users to type in relatively simple algebraic expressions that this code will evaluate and produce a result.
It was designed for solving problems with a simple syntax and has been described as an algebraic machine language.
它旨在解决具有简单语法并且已描述为代数机器语言(algebraic machine language)的问题。
Computer Science a computer language whose statements are designed to resemble algebraic expressions.
Computer algebraic and symbolic computation language CASC is a high level programming language used in formula manipulation.
Computer algebraic and symbolic computation language CASC is a high level programming language used in formula manipulation.