The tragic end of Mike Starr, the Alice in Chains bassist who died on Tuesday after a heroin overdose, might look like just another rock death.
麦克·斯塔尔(Mike Starr)的生命以悲剧谢幕,爱丽丝囚徒(Alice in Chains)乐队的主唱就曾因服用了过量的毒品在一个星期二死亡,也许这在人们看来只是一个摇滚歌手的死亡。
In fact, he wasn't even the first member of Alice in Chains to fall prey to it - their singer Layne Staley fatally overdosed in 2002 at the age of 34.
事实上,他甚至不是第一个成为牺牲品的爱丽丝囚徒乐队成员-他们的主唱莱恩·斯塔利(LayneStaley) 2002年的时候就死于服毒过量,年仅34岁。
In fact, he wasn't even the first member of Alice in Chains to fall prey to it - their singer Layne Staley fatally overdosed in 2002 at the age of 34.
事实上,他甚至不是第一个成为牺牲品的爱丽丝囚徒乐队成员-他们的主唱莱恩·斯塔利(LayneStaley) 2002年的时候就死于服毒过量,年仅34岁。