With the former approach, the feed servlet must understand the query string format, so the first approach cannot be used on all feeds.
Because you assign the output of the entire for loop to the variable, the effect is that you place a list of the quasi-RSS item XML into the variable for all feeds.
因为要将整个for循环的输出指定给变量,所以结果就变成您将准rss项x ML放置在用于所有提要的变量中。
After reinstalling NewsRack to clear out all feeds and use the default Settings (with images turned off), an initial download of the 100 most recent articles in each feed took 8mb.
We all have an inner jerk that feeds us negative thoughts about us, but we don't have to listen to its nasty comments.
Once all the sales feeds are created, the product manager can now combine data from all of them and then integrate it with the product feed to calculate the potential inventory requirements.
Real-time feeds can be processed efficiently while the data is still in motion, running on scale-out clusters with fail-over capability, and all performed on commodity machines.
All of these feeds are then combined into just one feed that you can share for yourself or anyone else.
For detailed instructions on how to create feeds for all the supported data sources click on the help link on the main page.
This article provided examples of all of these tasks, together with two example applications: spreadsheet importers for RSS feeds and database query results.
When the script has looked at all of the feeds for this user, it creates the e-mail and sends it off.
ICDS provides video feeds via a helmet mounted display (HMD) from multiple sensors and systems in the vehicle, which can be simultaneously viewed by all crew members.
We all have an inner jerk that feeds us negative thoughts about us, but we don’t have to listen to its nasty comments.
Under the gaze of the starved father, the mother feeds the chick all sorts of goodies but not giving dad a morsel.
Wrapping the select with our own widget allows us to put all the presentation logic related to the feed selection (adding and removing feeds) in a single place.
Not all sites have feeds, but it's still useful to track everything in one place.
Custom LDAP and database requirements, Single Sign-on, and content feeds, at a minimum, all present challenges in getting the initial portal set up.
All this feeds into the neighbours' surviving suspicions about China's intentions, despite a decade-long charm offensive.
You could read feeds in real-time, add notes, and do much more, all from one page.
With all the various ways to get and read feeds, it is very likely that you will find something that suits you.
Having the ability to filter content to your own personal keywords would be an ultimate resource and would ultimately clean-up all of your feeds, just the way you’d like.
Their new Summer Short has been blasted all over the internet, blogs, and news feeds.
Yet, despite the all-seeing eye of geographical data mashups and live feeds of neighbourhood information, most people are still on the outside, hardly looking in.
For really serious reading, you'll want to go into full screen mode and use all of your available screen real estate for reading feeds.
After all, only RSS 1.0 and 2.0 feeds can have RDF elements, so there's no need to process other feeds.
毕竟只有RSS 1.0和2.0提示可以包含rdf元素,因此没有必要处理其他的提示。
From this document, you can create a servlet that includes a sidebar that shows all of the services and feeds available, along with links to their HTML versions.
You need to create a servlet that handles all requests to Atom feeds for this new Web application.
You can tag the same feed "tech" so you can gather all your technology related feeds together in another "folder."
Each of the dynamic items above has its own Web feed, and these feeds are aggregated to provide all of the dynamic content.
We selected our database, named rss_agg and wrote a very simple select statement to retrieve all records from the feeds table.
We selected our database, named rss_agg and wrote a very simple select statement to retrieve all records from the feeds table.