These should be times of tireless effort and sleepless nights for all of us with a leadership role in health.
And this should be a time of tireless action and sleepless nights for all of us with a leadership role in health.
For if our children are successful, or deemed by our peer group to be "successful", then all the pain and heartache and sleepless nights and worry will have been worth it.
And for all the sleepless nights I caused.
However, the cost of all those sleepless nights is more than just bad moods and a lack of focus.
Reason 6: you Have an Unhealthy Lifestyle All of those sleepless nights will come back to haunt you, there's absolutely no doubt about it.
All of those sleepless nights will come back to haunt you, there's absolutely no doubt about it.
These songs are all I have to show for my sleepless nights.
I'm sorry for The Times I upset you, or made you worry about me, and for all the sleepless nights I caused.
The oily and salty food and all the alcohol you had, as well as all the sleepless nights playing mahjong and partying all contributed to your body getting bloated.
无论是饭桌上高油高盐的食物,还是你喝下去的好几斤红酒白酒啤酒,以及熬夜打麻将、聚会,它们带给身体最明显的第一反应就是- 水肿。
The oily and salty food and all the alcohol you had, as well as all the sleepless nights playing mahjong and partying all contributed to your body getting bloated.
无论是饭桌上高油高盐的食物,还是你喝下去的好几斤红酒白酒啤酒,以及熬夜打麻将、聚会,它们带给身体最明显的第一反应就是- 水肿。